Johannes Haw

Johannes Maria Haw ( born May 26, 1871 in Schweich an der Mosel, † 28 October 1949 in the village people ) was the founder of John Federal Leutendorf and founder of the religious congregations of the Sisters of St. John Mary Queen and the Missionaries of St. John the Baptist.

John Haw studied at the seminary in Trier and was ordained on March 30, 1895 Trier Cathedral by Bishop Michael Felix Korum priest. He was a chaplain in the parish of Our Lady in Koblenz, parochial vicar in wood / Saar and later pastor in winter village on the Sauer.

He became one of the leading figures in the anti-alcohol and temperance movement in Germany. The bishop appointed him to the bishopric Representative of Mäßigkeitsbundes with the office in Trier. Shortly thereafter, John Haw became head of this movement for the whole of Germany.

In 1912 he went to the village people and acquired a house there for groups of alcohol-dependent and vulnerable. The establishment of the " Federal John " took place on October 15, 1919 It was preceded by two religious communities out. , The Congregation of the Sisters of St. John Mary Queen and the community of the Missionaries of St. John the Baptist. Both have their headquarters in the village people. The members live and work in Portugal, Mozambique (East Africa) and India.

The process of beatification of this priest and founder of religious communities, has begun.
