Johannes Holzmann

Senna Hoy (actually John Holzmann, born October 30, 1882 in Tuchel, † April 28, 1914 in Meschtscherskoje in Moscow ) was a German anarchist and writer.


Senna Hoy was born into a wealthy Jewish family; his father was a teacher. As a teenager, he moved within the Theosophical Society and the SPD, but broke no later than 1902 with these currents. He took the pseudonym Senna Hoy (from Else Lasker-Schüler as ananym from his first name formed ) and founded in 1904 - promoted and financed by his friend Otto Buek - the anarchist magazine fight. In it, he sat down not only for a variety of political subjects a day, but joined for the abolition of Section 175 and thus for the legalization of homosexuality. He was co-founder of the Federation for Human Rights and its president until 1905.

Key employees of the struggle were, among others Else Lasker-Schüler, Erich difficulty, Franz Pfemfert; Herwarth Walden and Paul Scheer beard. In 1905 the magazine was banned, what Senna Hoy went to Switzerland, where he worked on the magazine The wake-up call. In 1907 he went to Russia to work there politically, but was detained there already in the same year and sentenced to 15 years in prison. Pfemfert, Lasker-Schüler and others supported unsuccessfully for his release. He died 31 years old on April 28, 1914 in the lunatic department of the prison Meschtscherskoje in Moscow and was buried on 14 May 1914 in Berlin- Weissensee.


  • The golden Kathe. 1904