John Bull

John Bull is a national personification of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. It was created in 1712 by John Arbuthnot, first published by British publishers and later continued by an overseas Illustrator, the U.S. cartoonist Thomas Nast.


John Bull is usually a stocky man in evening dress, knee -breeches ( knickerbockers ) and a Union Jack vest shown. He wears a top hat on the head ( sometimes called John Bull cylinder ) and is often accompanied by a bulldog. John Bull also occurs in numerous variations in advertising and is a frequent character in the British cartoon of the 19th and early 20th century.

The image of the arch-conservative and well-meaning John Bull cartoon, dressed like an English Landadliger, sometimes explicitly contrasted with the usually arid sans-culottes of the French Revolution, Jacobin, was developed since 1790 by the British satirists James Gillray, Thomas Rowlandson and George Cruikshank.

John Bull was often used during the First World War on the German side as a caricature of the enemy England. Many pictures desselbigen found, for example, in the journal Simplicissimus.
