John Hospers

John Hospers ( born June 9, 1918 in Pella, Iowa, † June 12, 2011 in Los Angeles, California ) was a professor of philosophy at the University of Southern California.


His diplomas were awarded Hospers at the University of Iowa and Columbia University. He taught philosophy and aesthetics. Early in his career, he taught philosophy at Brooklyn College and California State University in Los Angeles.

Hospers was the editor of the magazines The Persona List ( 1968-1982 ) and The Monist ( 1982-1992 ). In addition, he was an editor of Liberty magazine.

Political career

Hospers 1972 was the first candidate in the previously founded in Libertarian Party for the office of U.S. president. Together with his vice presidential candidate Theodora Nathan he did not come true nationwide on 3674 votes out, but received one vote in the Electoral College. This came from Roger MacBride, a Republican from Virginia, who took four years later, even for the Libertarian Party presidential candidate.

In 1974, Hospers applied again for public office, but failed in the election for governor of California.

Hospers supported George W. Bush in the 2004 presidential election, praising Bush's " war on terrorism ".

