John Mauchly

John William Mauchly ( born August 30, 1907 in Cincinnati, Ohio; † January 8, 1980 in Ambler, Pennsylvania ) was an American physicist and computer engineer. Together with John Presper Eckert developed the ENIAC he, where he focused on the conceptual design and Eckert took over the hardware development. In addition, he participated in the drafting of the UNIVAC I.

Curriculum vitae

Mauchly went to Washington, D.C. to school. His father was a physicist at the Department of Terrestrial Magnestism of the Carnegie Institute. Since Mauchly in 1925 received a scholarship, he was able to study at Johns Hopkins University. He began to study engineering, but his interests were transformed, and he turned to physics. In 1932 he received his doctorate in physics specialist. He then dealt with the analysis of the weather and soon made the search for methods that make it possible to process large amounts of data as quickly as possible. After he taught from 1940 at Ursinus College, he began earnestly pursuing with electronic circuits and its possibilities. He attended classes at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering, where he was soon himself to teaching ends. He quickly developed his own ideas of how to make computers more efficient, until he in 1946 jointly with J. Presper Eckert was finishing the ENIAC.

After the ENIAC was ready, left Mauchly and Eckert, the Moore School to found the company Eckert - Mauchly Computer Corporation.

Since Mauchly in the design of ENIACs many concepts of John Atanasoff - without pay tribute to him - took over, there was a patent dispute between Mauchly and Atanasoff. 1973 was the dispute in favor of Atanasoff.


1949 Mauchly received the Potts Medal of the Franklin Institute in the category Computer and Cognitive Science. Together with Eckert 1966, he received the Harry Goode Medal of the American Federation of Information Processing Societies and posthumously in 1980 the IEEE Computer Society Pioneer Award.

The Eckert - Mauchly Award for computer architecture of the ACM and IEEE Computer Society is named after him and Eckert.

  • Americans
  • Physicist ( 20th century)
  • Developing a computer system
  • History of computer science
  • Born 1907
  • Died in 1980
  • Man