Jón Magnússon (politician)

Jón Magnússon (born 16 January 1859 in Múli, Aðaldalur, † June 23, 1926 in Nes, Norðfjörður ) was an Icelandic politician and two times of Justice and Prime Minister of Iceland.

Jón was the first Prime Minister of an independent state Iceland, the breaking away with the agreement of 1 December 1918 by Denmark, but a common king ( Christian X ) was assumed.

With his first term of office, which lasted from 4 January 1917 to 7 March 1922 he released the last prime minister who had led the office in full in the period of self- administration, Einar Arnórsson, from and in addition was Minister of Justice. He led both offices as a member of the party Heimastjórnarflokkurinn, a predecessor of the Liberal Party Islands until he was replaced by Sigurdur Eggerz.

His second term as Prime Minister and Minister of Justice had Jón as his successor between 22 March 1924 to 23 June 1926 as a member of the Conservative Party Íhaldsflokkurinn, a predecessor party of the Independence Party. He was succeeded in both offices Magnús Guðmundsson.

Jón was married to Þóra Jónsdóttir.
