Jorge Cuesta

Jorge Mateo Cuesta Porte -Petit ( born September 23, 1903 in Córdoba, † August 13 1942 in Tlalpan ) was a Mexican chemist, writer and editor.


Cuesta graduated from the school in his hometown and then studied in Mexico City at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México ( UNAM). In 1924 he published his first short story in a magazine. After 1925 he finished his studies he went provisionally for a short time back in his hometown.

In 1927, he met in Mexico City Guadalupe Marín know his future wife, who was then still married to the painter Diego Rivera. In 1928 he went to Europe, where he made the acquaintance of Octavio G. Barreda, Carlos Luquín, André Breton, Carlos Pellicer, Samuel Ramos and Agustín Lazo.

In 1930 he returned to Mexico, married Guadalupe Marín, where he founded the group Los Contemporáneos. Cuesta, who worked for various magazines, founded in 1932, the magazine itself exams.

Cuesta took was taken because of illness in the sanatorium of Tlalpan, where he eventually took his own life. His body was buried in the Panteon Civil de Dolores in Mexico City.

Famous Works / Publications

  • "Canto a un Dios mineral "
  • "A Pesar Oscuro del Silencio "
  • " La Calle del Amor"
  • " Poeta, finds tu Campana "
  • " El plan contra Calles " (1934 )
  • " Poesía de Jorge Cuesta " (1942 )
  • " Crítica de la reforma del Artículo Tercero " (1943 )