Jorge Guillén

Jorge Guillén y Álvarez [ xoɾxe ɣiʎen ] ( born January 18, 1893 in Valladolid; † 6 February 1984 in Málaga) was a Spanish poet. He belonged to the Generación del 27


Jorge Guillén, who had studied philosophy and literature, was from 1917 to 1923 assistant teacher for Spanish at the Sorbonne. In 1925 he was appointed professor of Spanish literature at the University of Murcia. From 1929 he taught at Oxford, and from 1932 to 1938 at the University of Seville. In 1938, he first went to Canada in exile, from 1941 to 1967 he taught at the U.S. Wellesley College. Then he went back to Europe, first to Florence and then to Malaga, where he died at the age of 91 years.


Jorge Guillén has greatly influenced the following generation of Spanish poets him with his poetry. His most famous work is the 1928 published collection of poems Cántico ( German title: song of praise ) in which Guillén celebrate the beauty of the world. The original version contained 75 poems, but has been extended several times, most recently 1950. The final version consists of 334 poems.

1976 Guillén received the Cervantespreis.


German editions

  • Praise. A selection. Publisher 's Ark, 1952. Ernst Robert Curtius transfer.
  • Language and poetry. Some examples from Spain. Hanser 1965. German by Rainer Specht. ISBN 978-3-446-11228-5
  • My friend Federico Garcia Lorca. An exchange of letters. Limes, Wiesbaden 1965. Transferring Hildegard Baumgardt and Enrique Beck.
  • Selected poems. Spanish / German, Suhrkamp 1974. Transfer and with an afterword by Hildegard Baumgardt. ISBN 3-518-01411-0
  • Vocation to being. Selected poems. Spanish / German, Heyne 1992. Transferring Hildegard Baumgardt. ISBN 978-3-453-85015-6

Secondary literature

  • Jorge Guillen Cántico. A design study. by Georg Rudolf Lind. Analecta Romanica 1, supplements to the Romanesque Research, Frankfurt am Main, 1955. ISBN 978-3-465-00494-3
  • To seal Jorge Guillén 's. Architectonics and Ordo in the twentieth century. by Barbara Mitterer. Series Freiburg writings on Roman Philology, Vol 35 Fink, Munich 1978 ISBN 978-3-7705-1482-3
  • Jorge Guillen intercultural poetics: A work of poetry, literary history and literary criticism. of Harda Distrid Miebach. Utz, 2008. ISBN 978-3-8316-0765-5