Jorge Isaacs

Jorge Enrique Isaacs Ferrer ( born April 1, 1837 in Cali, † April 17, 1895 in Ibagué ) was a Colombian writer and liberal politician.


Isaacs was born the son of a wealthy landowner Jorge Enrique Isaacs and his wife Manuela Ferrer. He wrote numerous poems.

He was a soldier, first in the conservative army and after a radical change in his political views in the liberal army during the Colombian civil war. He founded the newspaper Nueva Era. Isaacs died of tuberculosis in abject poverty.


His literary breakthrough came with María (1867 ), an autobiographical in parts romantic novel in which it is about the tragic love story Efraíns to his cousin María. The book is one of the most widely read novels of Latin America and was filmed for television.


He is pictured on the 50,000 - peso bill Colombia, together with the beginning of his poems.


  • POESIAS de Jorge Isaacs. Editorial Norma, Cali 1967 ( EA 1864).
  • María. Roman; the worldwide success of Colombia ( " María ", 1867). Sonrrie Verlag, Norderstedt 2003, ISBN 3-936968-02-0
  • Revolución radical en Antioquia. In 1880.
  • Informe que les presenta al poder ejecutivo nacional y al gobierno del estado el director de la instrucción pública del Tolima. In 1883.
  • La tierra de Córdoba. Canto. In 1893.
  • Cuaderno de POESIAS. From 1864 to 1867. Instituto Caro y Cuervo, Bogotá 1990.
  • Obras completas. Neuaufl. Universidad de Bogotá 2005/ 09