Jorge Pullin

Jorge A. Pullin ( born February 26, 1963 in Buenos Aires ) is an Argentine theoretical physicist who deals with quantum gravity.

Pullin studied electrical engineering at the University of Buenos Aires and Physics at the Instituto Balseiro the University of Cuyo in Bariloche with the Master's degree in 1986 and his doctorate in 1988 with Reinaldo J. Gleiser. As a post - graduate student he was at Syracuse University and at the University of Utah ( 1991). From 1993 he was assistant professor, associate professor in 1997 and 2000, a professor at Pennsylvania State University. He is since 2001 Hearne Professor of Theoretical Physics at the Louisiana State University and Co-Director of the Hearne Institute of Theoretical Physics.

Pullin is one of the pioneers of loop quantum gravity and worked in this field since 1990 with a native of Uruguay Rodolfo Gambini physicists together. For example, they discovered connections with knot theory and showed that the Jones polynomial solution of the quantized Einstein equations in loop quantum gravity is.

With Gambini he said non-classical forms of light propagation from the Schleifenquantengravitaton before.

It also deals with numerical general relativity, for example, in the calculation of collisions of black holes, for which he uses supercomputer. Initial work to he published in the 1990s (introduction of close approximation, two very closely spaced black holes are considered as a deformed black hole in ).

In 1995 he was Sloan Fellow, Guggenheim Fellow in 1999 and 2001 Fulbright Fellow. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is also a member of the National Academies of Sciences of Uruguay, Mexico, Argentina and the Latin American Academy of Science. In 1995 he received a Career Award from the National Science Foundation and the 2001 Edward Bouchet Award of the APS.

He is married to Gabriela Gonzalez, who is also gravitational physicist.


  • With Gambini Loops, Knots, Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity, Cambridge University Press 1996
  • With Gambini A First Course in Loop Quantum Gravity, Oxford University Press 2011
  • With Peter Anninos, Richard Price, Edward Seidel, Wai -Mo Suen Head -on collision of two black holes: Comparison of different Approaches, Phys. Rev. D, Volume 52, 1995, pp. 4462-4480
  • Steve Brandt, Randall Correll, Roberto Gómez, Mijan Huq, Mijan, P. Laguna, L. Lehner, P. Marronetti, RA Matzner uaGrazing Collisions of Black Holes via the Excision of Singularities, Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume 85, 2000, pp. 5496-5499
  • Carsten Gundlach, Price Late -time behavior of stellar collapse and explosion. I. Linearized perturbations, Phys. Rev. D, Volume 49, 1994, pp. 883-889, Part II, Nonlinear evolution, pp. 890-899