Josef Allram

Josef Allram ( born November 22, 1860 in Schrems (Lower Austria ), † 29 December 1941 Vienna) was an Austrian folk poet and teacher. His nickname Waldviertel Sepp he received because of his employment with the forest district. He wrote plays and travelogues. Among others, he dealt with the Waldviertel magician Gokulorum. Josef Allram promoted the construction of several Robert Hamer Ling- monuments.


Josef Allram had already noted as a pupil 's talent, events of his surroundings in a humorous form. Even then appeared farces, one-act plays and stories about events from school.

After graduating from the College of Education Allram was first teacher and then headmaster in Vienna. He later moved to Mödling where he died on 29 December 1941. But all his life he was closely associated with the forest district which by sounds in the " Waldviertel stories " his " leader the Lower Austrian Waldviertel car" and his " hunting stories ".

All his great admiration for Robert Hamer Ling, which he had built a monument and a brochure made ​​available, the proceeds of the monument committee Hamerlingstraße available. Josef Allram bieb its environment as a poet in memory, which could describe his homeland subtle and humorous.


  • Waldviertel stories, 1900
  • The 1000th patient, 1903
  • Hamerlingstraße and his home, 1905
  • The last engine, 1911