
Josefov ( German Josefstadt ) is a district of Prague in the Czech Republic, which was intended for the Jewish Quarter in Prague in the 13th century by King adoption. With the award of civil rights to the Jews in 1848, this often moved away here and the building fell into disrepair. At the turn of the 20th century, most housing projects were entirely new. This quarter is often represented by the flag of Prague's Jewish, a yellow Star of David on a red background.


Was between the 13th century and 1850, the Jewish district, Židovské Město Pražské. The Jewish inhabitants were forced to live in these demarcated area. 1850 the district was renamed Josefov after Emperor Joseph II, who had encouraged the Jews with the Toleration Act of 1781. Now the more affluent families from the ghetto moved away, so the earlier houses fell into disrepair. The largest part of the district was finally demolished 1893-1913. Historians and architects are at odds as to whether the removal of the old houses was because of poor hygienic conditions and the growing slums, or the sale of lucrative areas close to the center dominated the decision. Six synagogues, the Old Jewish Cemetery, the ceremony hall and the Old Jewish Town Hall survived because their demolition could be prevented by citizen protests. At the end of the 19th century, new magnificent Art Nouveau building was built by order of the Municipal House. The development and installation of new roads was guided by models from Paris. The central axis and at the same time magnificent street of the new town was Joseph Pariser Straße. The neighborhood was no longer clearly defining and therefore was not destroyed during the German occupation.

The resulting religious buildings and cemeteries are part of the Jewish Museum.

In 1991, the district had 2354 inhabitants. In 2001, Josefov consisted of 66 houses, where only 1997 people lived. Major streets of the Parisian street, road width, Maiselova ul, ul Kaprova


  • Jewish Museum ( Muzeum Židovské ). The museum also maintains this cemetery:
  • Old Jewish Cemetery ( Stary židovský hřbitov ), which was occupied from the 15th to the 18th century and Europe's oldest existing Jewish cemetery is
  • Jewish Ceremonial Hall ( Obřadní síň ), a neo-Renaissance of the 20th century
  • Old-New Synagogue
  • High Synagogue
  • Jewish Town Hall
  • Pinkas Synagogue
  • Klausen Synagogue
  • Maisel Synagogue
  • Spanish Synagogue
  • Franz Kafka's Birthplace
  • Museum of Decorative Arts