Joseph Bonaparte Gulf

The Joseph Bonaparte Gulf ( German Joseph Bonaparte Gulf) is a 320 km wide and 60 km deep-cut bay in the Timor Sea north of Australia. Its western part limits the eastern Kimberley ( State of Western Australia ), the eastern coasts of the south-west of the Northern Territory.

It is named after Joseph Bonaparte, eldest brother of Napoleon Bonaparte. He is often referred to in Australia just as Bonaparte Gulf.

The westernmost point is Cape Londonderry, the easternmost Nature Reserve Daly River Reserve to the Mount Greenwood (175 m). It is controversial whether the end at Cape Scott or Point Blaze is to be set, that is, whether the Anson Bay is included.

The largest inflows in the Josephe Bonaparte Gulf are Pentecost River, Ord River, Victoria River Fitzmaurice River.

The only port is at the Wyndham Cambridge Gulf, which in turn is a beautiful bay of Joseph Bonaparte Gulf.

A second place is the Aboriginal community Wadeye on the southern edge of the Daly River Reserve. A dirt road access is by permission in the dry season. The rest of the coasts of the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf are not accessible.
