Joseph Wolstenholme

Joseph Wolstenholme ( born September 30, 1829 in Eccles ( Manchester ), England; † November 18, 1891 ) was an English mathematician.

Wolstenholme was the son of a Methodist pastor and studied from 1846 in Cambridge at St. John's College. In 1850 he made ​​which he graduated as Third Wrangler ( that is, he was third in the Tripos examinations in mathematics). In 1852 he became a Fellow of St. John's and shortly afterwards of Christ's College. After he married in 1869 he had to give up his Fellowship and in 1871 Professor of Mathematics at the Royal Indian Engineering College at Cooper's Hill, near London. In 1889 he went into retirement.

He is primarily known for the number-theoretic set of Wolstenholme on the harmonic series.

Wolstenholme was with the parents of Virginia Woolf ( her father Leslie Stephen ) and friends is the model for Augustus Carmichael in Virginia Woolf 's To the Lighthouse.
