Juan Francisco de Molina

Juan Francisco de Molina (* 1810, † in Tegucigalpa ) was on 9 January 1839 to April 13, 1839 Director Supremo of Honduras. He was a member of the Partido Liberal de Honduras

A constituent assembly was held on 10 October 1838 in Comayagua and published on 11 January 1839 secessionist constitution. According to her, the legislative power was exercised by a parliament elected by the people. Select 20,000 residents a deputy. The executive power leads a president, who is elected every two years by the people.

Juan Francisco de Molina was a delegate to the Constituent Assembly, on January 9, 1839, gave him José Lino Matute the Office of the Jefe Supremo of the Honduras Province. On January 11, 1839, he ordered that the Constitution will be published and thus put into effect.

He was a signatory of the Declaration of Independence of Honduras from the Central American confederation.

On 26 October 1838 the provincial government of José María Martinez Salinas, Honduras declared itself as separtater state. Francisco Ferrera commanded the troops of Honduras in dealing with the federal government under José Francisco Morazán Quezada which led to the separation of Honduras. On April 5, 1839 his troops and defeated Nicaragua by the troops of Morazán at the Battle of Espíritu Santo in El Salvador were. On September 25, 1839, Honduras troops were surprised in San Pedro Perulapán and Francisco Ferrera injured, whereupon he fled to Nicaragua.
