
Comayagua on the map of Honduras

Comayagua is the capital of the department of Comayagua in Honduras.

2008 87.805 inhabitants were counted.

Geographical location

Comayagua is located 37.6 miles north of Tegucigalpa and 77.6 miles south of San Pedro Sula.


At the time of the Conquest lived Lencas which Lencan talked in this area. The Spanish city was founded on December 8, 1537 as Santa María de Comayagua Capitán Alonso de Cáceres on behalf of the Adelantado, Governor of Yucatán, Francisco de Montejo, and in the name of Charles V ( HRR ) and Santa María de la Concepción, in taken possession.

Francisco de Montejo described the situation as to the equidistant between the oceans and in the middle of Nicaragua and León ( Nicaragua). Alonso de Cáceres pacified the land of Higueras and Honduras and found a valley with two rivers, ten league long and four wide, which was very suitable for the creation of a city. The Comayaguatal is fertile land with good pasture, plenty Erdfrüchten, good air and clear sky.

They chose a strategically raised, non-vegetated place and requested the possession instruction.

The displaced indigenous peoples the Spaniards set fire to the thatched roofs and thus delayed the further distribution of their country for two years.

Audiencia de los Confines

With a Cédula from September 3, 1543 dismissed Philip II (Spain ), the Audiencia de los Confines of, to constitute itself in Comayagua. In the same letter he gave the name to the Ejido Santa María de la Nueva Valladolid de Comayagua to Valladolid, his place of residence. The managed, by the Cabildo de Españoles, part of the city of Concepcion de Comayagua was called.

Due to its inland location, protected from pirate attacks, very fertile soil for farming and livestock industry and the presence of abundant silver mines near the population, which lived in houses made of brick construction bahareque and grew. 1533 founded the priest Jerónimo Clemente is a Mercedarians Convento.


1550 Truxillo was chosen as the seat for the bishop and the second Bishop of Honduras officiated there. 1551 a church was built of stone for 1500 gold pesos in Comayagua. 1552 the priest Jerónimo de Correll was appointed third bishop of Honduras. The bishop's seat Truxillo had just been with Kaperbriefen from England and France, plundered by pirates. In order to keep his appointment bull for the diocese Trujillon expire, he had his episcopal see in Truxillo take because Comayagua was not a diocese and had no cathedral. The priest Alonso de Guaman applied to the Audiencia de Guatemala to move the diocese to Gracias a Dios, where there was a church and the Cabildo de Espanol. Bishop Pedriza, the first bishop, who in 1536 had its headquarters in Honduras, had taken a house for the bishop's seat. The Audiencia de Guatemala instructed Alonso de Guaman to take his bishopric in Comayagua, which lay in the center of the diocese and had a proper church. When data for a possible sanction that transfer, the years 1559 and 1562 are called.

1555 made ​​Bishop Jerónimo de Correll of Comayagua on a tour of his diocese and visited Trujillo, Puerto Caballos, San Pedro Sula and Gracias a Dios. In 1560 he traveled to Mexico to be anoint to be a bishop.

1564 the only church of Comayagua, which the Mercedarierkonventes was upgraded to the Cathedral of Comayagua Honduras and since then called diocese. The Royal Cédula which sanctioned this move, the date 1572. 1574 was wearing the Caja Real, the Royal Bank, an institute of the Real Hacienda Ministry of Finance, moved from San Pedro Sula to Comayagua. This happened because of the profitable exploitation of the silver mines near Comayagua.

Evaluated in 1577, Philip II (Spain ) to the place of Ciudad. 1582 asked the king whether the Church of Comayagua is suitable as a church for a bishop 's seat. Bishop Corrella obtained from the King 800 ducats, with which he had masons and painters transform the Episcopal Church, the Church of Mercedarierkonventes.

It is assumed that Bishop Corrella operated the transfer of the bishopric from 1555 by Comayagua from. There was a series of reports, which date 1559-1562, found at the Audiencia de Guatemala, which highlight the advantages of Comayagua, which are attributable to that transfer procedure. In this method, the civil, military and ecclesiastical authorities of the Consejo de Indias had to be convinced.

With the conspicuous long administrative procedure was prevented Comayagua came back to an independent position of power, as it was given to the Audiencia de los Confines times. Now Comayagua was a nowhere, managed by the Capitanía General del Reyno de Guatemala in the Viceroyalty of New Spain.

Comayagua was damaged by earthquakes in 1774 and 1804.

From 1776 Comayagua was the capital of Intendency de Comayagua in 1812 proclaimed José Gregorio Tinoco de Contreras as Mayor of Comayagua independence from the Spanish mainland. In November 1817 the Consejo de Indias granted the independence of Alcaldía Mayor of Tegucigalpa by the government in Comayagua except in matters of defense. 1821, 1822 Comayagua was the capital of the Province of Comayagua in the Mexican Empire of Agustín de Iturbide, while in Tegucigalpa encouraged resistance to the annexation of Mexico. From 1823 Comayagua Comayagua was the capital of the province in the Central American confederation.

From 1823 moved the seat of government of Honduras between Comayagua and Tegucigalpa.

Comayagua was occupied on 10 May 1827 by troops of the Confederate government under Manuel José Arce y Fagoaga, José Dionisio de la Trinidad de Herrera y Díaz del Valle was deposed and arrested.

Then allowed José Francisco Morazán Quezada the troops of the Confederate government under Manuel José Arce y Fagoaga fight and was Supremo Director of the Honduras Province in Comayagua.

As of 30 October 1880 the Government of Marco Aurelio Soto Tegucigalpa is the capital of Honduras.


  • On the Plaza Central de Comayagua, the patron festivals are celebrated.
  • The Palacio de la Alcaldía Municipal was built in the 16th century.
  • The Cathedral de Comayagua was consecrated on December 8, 1711.

Hispano Fútbol Club

From Comayagua is the Hispano Fútbol Club, the Mayor of a stadium, with its name, has built.

Base Aérea Enrique Soto Cano

15 km south of Comayagua was Comayaguatal in 1982 with three times 20 km, the most extensive Air Force Base of Central America, which created Palmerola Air Base. The name evokes Enrique Soto from New York City, which is made ​​a proclamation against Policarpo Bonilla as president during an uprising in Puerto Cortés, in April 1897, but meant is a pilot from the Soccer War. Approximately 550 people of the U.S. military personnel are called Joint Task Force - Bravo and provide with 650 civilian employees for humanitarian intervention.

Prison fire

In case of fire in the prison of Comayagua on 14 February 2012 at 22:50 clock local time ( 5:50 GMT on 15 February ) 356 prisoners are missing and are presumed dead 470 prisoners escaped. According to authorities a passenger sparked the fire by lighting a mattress.

Rescue workers could not find the key to the cell doors. One inmate reported on 60 people in his cell.

The detention center had more than 800 inmates who are serving long sentences in the medium during the day and work in agriculture. It is not a high security prison. This fire was the largest fire in prison worldwide for decades. The prison was designed for 400 people, but occupied by 820 people. In Honduras, a total of 13,000 prisoners in prisons for 8000.

Sons and daughters of the town
