
Called The Book of Jubilees, Book of Jubilees, (Hebrew ספר היובלים ), sometimes called Little Genesis ( Leptogenesis ), is a religious scripture of the Judeo-Christian culture. It offers a retelling of Genesis and parts of Exodus, which is complemented by bays and the processing of exegetical traditions. Most Christian denominations expect the work to the Apocrypha of the Old Testament.


The Book of Jubilees tells the entire history of the world between its creation and the transfer of the Tablets of the Law at Sinai newly adorns them with the Torah details not contained himself and tries to every event in minute detail for " anniversaries ", years, weeks and days date - according to an organization that should have been revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai immediately and in the number " 7" plays a major role. The temptation of Eve by the serpent about to " after the (...) and that, on 17 days in the second month seven years," have taken place. Adam died "at the end of the 19th anniversary, in the 7 th week, in its 6th year ." Also, the work contains numerous dining and purity legislation.

Great room also occupy the angels. Mentioned are four classes: "Angel of the Face ", " angels of sanctification ," "Angel of nature" and " Guardian Angel ". Reported is the angel on the first day of creation, but also the sinful combination of renegade angels with the daughters of men, from which emerged the later had been destroyed during the Flood of giants of Nephilim including the creation. ( In the Ethiopian version is, however, said that in this case, the descendants of the descendants of Cain are meant by " angels " set and a "people ". )

According to the author of Jubilees, Hebrew was the language that should have been originally spoken by all creatures, humans and animals, and also in heaven. After the destruction of the tower of Babel, but it was forgotten before they had been taught by the angels to Abraham again. Enoch was the first man to which they were trained in the art of writing, which he wrote down all the secrets of astronomy, timekeeping and world history.


Fully narrated Jubilees is in Ethiopian texts from the 15th and 16th centuries. There are also fragmentary, going back to the work of Epiphanius Greek texts as well as some Latin fragments whose text critical value is estimated extremely high. An additional Syrian fragment in the British Museum with the title name of the patriarch wives according to the Hebrew Book of Jubilees suggests that a Syrian version must have existed.

Hebrew fragments were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls.


The emergence time the Book of Jubilees is not safe to specify. While most research in the older one dating to the time of John Hyrcanus was Hasmonäers I ( 135-104 BC) occasionally represented, today, a majority of researchers believe that the book was conceived in vorhasmonäischer time. Corresponding datings fall into the early 2nd or even the 3rd century BC The most important arguments for a dating to the Hasmonean period are alleged statements within the book that refer to events surrounding the Maccabean revolt reference (about ch. 15 to refuse circumcision by Hellenising circles in Jerusalem, or the treatment of Esau as a reflection of the conquest of Idumea under Hyrcanus I. ). Such interpretations, however, are uncertain. For the early dating of the status of the Book of Jubilees is mentioned in the Qumran writings. It is there ( ie in the 2nd and 1st centuries BC) cited as authoritative Scripture, which makes a much earlier origin probable. In addition, (which in turn is one of the oldest Qumran texts) is assumed a substantive development arising from the substantive similarities especially with the Temple Scroll, Jubilees is to their relative beginning. The oldest manuscript of the Hebrew original is from Qumran and paleographically to 125-100 BC. For some late datings have become questionable because the Book of Jubilees is probably not occurred in Qumran, and so for some time already must have been previously circulated. Since only fragments were found at Qumran, however, remains the possibility that certain chapters of the Book of Jubilees are secondary.

About the author nothing is known; senior theses to Pharisaic authorship are outdated today. Usually today adopted a fringe of Judaism as original context, which is sometimes referred to as "proto- qumranisch " or "proto- Essene ".

Effect story

Among the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Book of Jubilees is demonstrated in numerous manuscripts, therefore it was very important for the application behind the texts grouping. In the Jewish canon, the book of Jubilees was nevertheless not recorded. The same is true for Christianity. Although the book was also at the church fathers in high esteem, but it was no part of the canon of the imperial church. The fact that the book has ever survived the ages, therefore only the Oriental Orthodox churches, primarily the Ethiopian Church, and the scrolls from the Dead Sea is due. Influenced by the use in Ethiopia got the book more recently in parts of the Jamaican Rastafarian movement to some renown.
