July Morning

July Morning is a tradition in Bulgaria ( Bulgarian: Джулая or Джулай, julaya or July ), which is a relic from the days of the hippies of the 70s. Visitors travel in the night of June 30, often as a hitchhiker on the coast of the Black Sea, to watch the sunrise on the morning of the first of July. Traditionally, this the song July Morning from the album Look at Yourself the British hard rock band Uriah Heep is played and sung by the visitors.

Although the hippie movement originated in general and also this custom from the U.S., the tradition was well received in Bulgaria and is continued to this day with great popularity. Officially, the event will be held only in 1992, two years after the end of socialism in Eastern Europe and Russia. In the ensuing years, where the custom spread to many towns on the east coast of Bulgaria.

  • Hippie movement
  • Festivals and Customs (Bulgaria)