Jürgen Echternach

Sigmar Jürgen Echternach ( born 1 November 1937 in Lauenburg / Pomerania, † April 4, 2006 in Hamburg ) was a German politician ( CDU).

He was from 1987 to 1993 Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Regional Planning, Building and Urban Development from 1993 to 1994 at the Federal Ministry of Finance.

Education and work

After the expulsion of the family from Pomerania in 1946 Jürgen Echternach visited in Hamburg- Winterhude the Johanneum and was there in 1957 the Abitur. After he graduated in law in Hamburg and Bonn, which he finished in 1961 with the first and 1967 with the second legal state examination. Since then, he was admitted to the bar. In 1968, he appeared as counsel in the Hamburg Wohnungsbaukreditanstalt, whose board he served from 1970 to 1980. From 1995 to 2000 he was Managing Director of BME Station Management and Development Company, a joint venture of the then German Federal Railways and the Hamburg-based Otto family belonging ECE project management.


Jürgen Echternach, an older brother and two younger sisters were the children of the theologian Helmut Echternach and his wife Margaret, née Benecke. He was married and had a son and a daughter. Jürgen Echternach lived recently on Jenischpark was buried in the cemetery Nienstedtener in Hamburg.


Since 1954, Echternach was a member of the CDU. Here he engaged first in the Junge Union, the Hamburg state he was chairman from 1964 to 1970. From 1969 to 1973 he was National Chairman of the Junge Union and was in 1969 the Federal Executive of the CDU. From 1974 to 1992 Echternach was state chairman of the CDU in Hamburg. During this time he led the so-called Flying precincts one: If one of Echternach supported candidates ( Echternachianer in Altona CDU jargon ) party internally threatened voted down, temporarily changed a sufficiently large number of CDU members in the local chapter relevant to the nomination of candidates to secure; occasionally also helped " new entrants on time " to fulfill this purpose. Because of this practice, the Party Court of Hamburg CDU declared 1992, the nomination of candidates in the parliamentary constituency of Altona for the federal election in 1990 as illegal. The Constitutional Court of Hamburg stated 1993 1991 for undemocratic candidate lists of the CDU under Echternach guide to invalid and ordered new elections, the state election.

On 12 February 2004 Jürgen Echternach was elected state chairman of the Hamburg Senior Citizens Association, which office he held until his death.

Member of Parliament

Echternach from 1966 until resignation on February 5, 1981 member of the Hamburg Parliament. Here he was from 1970 to 1981 Chairman of the CDU parliamentary group.

From 1980 to 1994 Echternach was a member of the German Bundestag. In 1987 he was drafted as a directly elected representative of the constituency Hamburg- Altona and otherwise always over the national list of Hamburg in the German Bundestag.

Public offices

After the general election in 1987 he was appointed on 12 March 1987 as Parliamentary Secretary to the Federal Minister for Regional Planning, Building and Urban Development in the run of Chancellor Helmut Kohl Federal Government. There he was responsible for, among other things after German unification with the restoration of historic houses on the territory of the former GDR.

In January 1993 he joined the Office of the Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of Finance. After the parliamentary election in 1994, he resigned from the government on 17 November 1994. In spring 2005, the Hamburg Senate appointed him honorary coordinator for conversion areas.


In 2002, Echternach time with 500,000 DM - Jürgen Echternach Foundation for Education and Democracy, a talent scout for CDU youth under the then Director of Studies Fridtjof Kelber.


  • Great Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany