Jutland horse

The Jutlanders is a Danish heavy horse breed that is bred with different target directions for centuries. Because of their chestnut color with light long hair and hanging their representatives look very similar to the heavy Haflinger type.

Background information on the evaluation and breeding horses can be found at: exterior, interior and horse breeding.


Heavy work horse in bold type with rather coarse, massive skull, long ears and friendly expression. The neck is straight and short, steep shoulder and extremely wide pronounced. In a deep and wide-body hardly withers. The compact center piece with the marked spring of rib turns into an extremely powerful, round croup with a sloping line. The solid foundation is characterized by short legs with wide joints, flat hooves and a lush curtain.


The movements of the Jütländers have zealous actions with a good trot with great traction.

Breeding history

The Jutlanders who was popular in the Middle Ages when the knights, goes back to the heavy horses of northern European lowlands. In the 16th century it was overtaken in popularity by the Frederiksborger and from then on was the Jutlanders only its use in agriculture.

In the 19th century the blood of the races Jutlanders Cleveland Bay, Frederiksborg and Yorkshire was propagated Roadster supplied to promote the smooth running of the race. Later they proceeded to crossovers with Shires, Clydesdales and Suffolk make, to now again increasingly einzuzüchten mass. A change in the fickle breeding policy surrendered only after the use of the English draft horse stallion Oppenheim, who was probably a Shire or Suffolk. He inherited beside his dark fox coloring the desired quality and became the progenitor of the modern Jütländers.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a new blood was made ​​again. This time, however Ardennes were used.
