Juventina Napoleão

Juventina Napoleão ( born December 22, 1988 in Assalaino, Suco Bauro, East Timor ) is a marathon runner from East Timor.


The 154 cm - large athlete is a member of the Sport Club Association loud in Lospalos.

The first Dili Marathon 2010, she was among the women in 3:13:05 hours in second. The following year she was first with 3:08:28 hrs and 2012 in the half marathon in 1:30:51 hours also first.

At the Asian Games in 2010 Napoleão had to break the marathon, the Tokyo Marathon 2012 came Napoleão after 3:05:15 hours to the finish.

At the 2012 Olympic Games in London Napoleão came as a 106 finish, as the penultimate runners who finished the race. She presented with 3:05:07 hrs on a new personal best.


Napoleãos coach was the East Timorese António Dacosta during the Olympic Games. For the Dili Marathon 2013 on 22 June, she coached the Olympians from 2000 Calisto da Costa.
