Kalanchoe arborescens

Kalanchoe arborescens young plant

Kalanchoe arborescens is a plant of the genus Kalanchoe in the family Crassulaceae ( Crassulaceae ). It is together with Kalanchoe dinklagei the highest sized species of the genus. The specific epithet arborescens comes from Latin and means, like a tree growing '.


Kalanchoe arborescens forms small trees that reach heights of growth of up to 8 meters. The trunk is down easy with a diameter of up to 10 centimeters. At the top he is branched, fleshy and bare branches are three commonly and have a length of between 5 and 10 inches. The thick, fleshy, and bare leaves are three or more or less alternate. The 1.5 to 3 cm long petiole is turning around. The almost circular, ovoid wrong to spatelige leaf blade is 1.5 to 4 inches long and 1-3 inches wide. It is rounded at the top and narrowed at the base. The leaf margin is entire.

The inflorescence is ebensträußig to pyramidal and 2-6 centimeters wide. The bald peduncle is 5-10 inches long. The upright to drooping, leafless blooms sit on 1 to 2 centimeters long pedicles. The green calyx tube is about 4 millimeters long, ending in triangular, acuminate lobes, which are 4-5 mm long and about 6 millimeters wide. The thick, fleshy, pale-green corolla has inside sometimes blasspurpurne spots. The four -edged, about 9 mm long and 8 mm wide corolla tube has elongated triangular, pointed lobes that are about 8 millimeters in size. The stamens are attached about the middle of the corolla tube and protrude slightly from all the corolla tube out. The oblong anthers are about 2 millimeters in size. The rectangular to linealischen Nektarschüppchen are about 2 millimeters long and 0.5 millimeters wide. The elongated carpel is as long as the pen with about 5 millimeters.

Systematics and distribution

Kalanchoe arborescens is common in Southeast Madagascar in xerophytic bush on limestone and sandy soils. The first description was in 1933 by Jean -Henri Humbert.

