Kálmán Mikszáth

Kálmán Mikszáth of Kiscsoltó ( born January 16, 1847 in Szklabonya, now Slovakia, † May 28, 1910 in Budapest) was a Hungarian journalist, politician and writer.


Mikszáth studied at the University of Budapest law and became a judge in Balassaqyarmat. From 1873 he worked as a journalist for several newspapers, including the Pesti Hírlap. In 1887 he was elected as a member of the Liberal Party in the Hungarian National Assembly.

Since 1869, his first short stories, with whom he had little success at first appeared. With works such as " The Learning Kaftan " and " St. Peter's Umbrella ", he became one of the leading Hungarian novelist of the 19th century. His grave is on the temető Kerepesi.

