Kamassian language

The kamassische language was one of the Samoyed languages. These form the Uralic language family, together with the Finno -Ugric languages.

Spoken in

  • Uralic Samoyed Südsamojedisch Kamassisch




Kamassisch was spoken to by the Yenisei Khamassin in Russia east of the Urals. Dialects were Kamas and Koibal ( Kaibal ). The decline of the language began in the 18th century, when the Kamassiner more aufgingen in the Turkic-speaking people of the Khakassians.

Especially the work of Matthias Alexander Castrén and Kai Donner have preserved the knowledge of the language of science. The last native speaker of the Samoyed Kamassisch died 1989. Since numerous audio tapes and video recordings have been handed down, we can still get a good picture of the language.

Language system

(according to the Finno- Ugric Phonetic Alphabet )

  • Vowels In Kamassischen there were 13 vowels: a, e, i, o, u, ü, ä, ö, å, ə, ɛ, e and i.
  • Plosives: k, k, g, t, t, d ď, P, P, B, B,
  • Affricates: s, ś, s, s, z, z, z, z, c, ć, č, ć, ʒ, ʒ, ǯ, Ǯ
  • Nasals: m, m, n ń, ŋ
  • Fricatives: ɣ, x, x, δ, f,
  • Semi-vowels: w, j
  • Lateral: l, ĺ
  • Tremulante: r, ŕ