
Kaminaljuyu, also Kaminal Juyu is a Mayan ruin on the edge of the Guatemalan capital, Guatemala City. The name means as much as " hill of death".

Was colonized the place about 800 BC, and it probably involves the first urban center in the field of Maya. It must have been, later a strong influence of the city of Teotihuacán, with Kaminaljuyu acted as a border town with the rest of the Maya area. The buildings were mainly built of sun-dried bricks, of which so far about 400 buildings were explored. The excavations designed to be difficult, since the place was now located in the urban area of Guatemala City.

In modern times Kaminaljuyu was first explored the end of the 19th century by Alfred P. Maudslay and 1925 by Manuel Gamio.
