
Game of the Year 2010: Recommendation List German Lernspielpreis 2010: nominated

Kamisado is a 2009 published in HUCH & friends -Verlag abstract strategy board game for two players by Peter Burley.


Game play

The game is played on a chessboard playing field with 64 fields, which are marked in eight different colors in a certain pattern. Each of the two players, black and white, has eight pawns, which are designed as dragon tower and each carrying one of the eight colors of the board. At the beginning of each player positions his pieces on a base side of the square playing field, with the colored markings of the game characters are similar to those of the fields.

For a train each player can move one of his pawns either forward or diagonally without jump over other pieces. The color of the playing field on which a train ends, determines the color of the opponent's figure, with which it has to make his next train. Black player starts by selecting any of his eight figures and this forward or diagonally pulls. The winner is the player to first pull out one of his pieces on a field of the opponent's baseline.

A Kamisado game can also be conducted over several games. For this purpose, after each game, the game character, which is reached on the opponent's baseline, awarded a so-called dragon's tooth. Play figures with one or more dragons teeth feature in subsequent batches additional rights, and shall be called Sumos. You can push back the opponent's characters with a " Sumo push " then under certain conditions. Sumo figures bring points, with the number of points depends on the number of dragon's teeth, with which they are awarded. The Kamisado game ends when a player reaches a predetermined score. In the game manual versions with 3, 7 and 15 required points are described.

