Kanal III C

The channel III C passes under at Viersen - Hagen to the bike path converted keg railway line from Viersen to St.Tönis.

The channel III C is an artificial river in the territory of the district Viersen (NRW).

History, Hydronymie and synonyms

At the beginning of the 19th century, at the time of the then French administration of the left bank of the Rhine, the water is initially not be established with certainty. The card receiving here in 1802 or 1805 under the French Colonel Tranchot illustrates the course of the later forced trench although as wafer- thin line already constitutes, according to mode of carrying this line would be more likely to be interpreted as a dirt road.

Exists at the latest in 1844 but then already a section of the later channel III C approximately between today Salbruch (then: If Broich ) and a point just north of today's L475 ( Tönisvorster road ) between Süchteln and Hagen under the name of duress ditch. The compulsion ditch led then there directly into the Nier who are still their original course followed ( the relocation and straightening of the Nier was not until the 1930's).

In 1892, the channel III C is already present on the official maps of the former Kingdom of Prussia in its present form, is there but from now on, just like the lower reaches of the channel III3b, simply referred to as a branch channel. This somewhat inaccurate naming scheme ensures that the lower reaches of the channel is III3b not be distinguished from his own supply, the channel III C, on the official maps of Prussia by name. The North Rhine-Westphalian surveying authorities carry out this circumstance to the present day ( 2010) remain unchanged.

In contrast, the water is in the waters stationing map published by the State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection of NRW as "the branch channel left arm (channel III C) " and result there now officially distinguished from the lower reaches of the channel III3b.


The source of channel III C in Viersen - Clörath, the waters stationing card has a 2006 point approximately 500m north of the Clörather mill and immediately east of the Salbruchs from.

After some older information, the source was in the 1990s but still at the Clörather mill itself, and may have been earlier than the Nier flowed past still here, fed directly from Selbiger.

The channel III C will flow from here, first westward through the Salbruch, west bends, he Northwest and the first L 475 between Hagen and Süchteln ( here: Tönisvorster road ) and finally passes under the former CEG railway line.

About one km north of the former CEC route bends the stream just before the Viersener city limits again something right and now comes almost to the north -flowing, in the territory of the municipality Grefrath into it.

On Grefrather municipal area of ​​the channel III C then still flows almost exactly 700 meters, and flows finally, slightly southwest of the district Oedt, in the channel III3b.


On the waters stationing map two small unnamed streams are shown as inflows:

  • ( N.N. ), code 2861642 waters (from left)
  • ( N.N. ), code 2861644 waters ( from the right)

Both inflows are on Viersener urban area south of the previous CEC route.

Data and character

The channel III C has a length of less than 5 km and its catchment area is about 4 km ².

In the published by the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Agriculture and Consumer Protection classifications of type of water or water quality of the channel III C, unlike the branch canal (channel III3b ) or the Willicher Flöth, is not mentioned. It can be so, it is time to make no further information.

Flora and Fauna

Near the source of channel III C, at the Clörather mill, was in 2010 one of the few nesting and breeding places of white storks in the territory of the district of Viersen.
