Karl Heinrich Ritthausen

Karl Heinrich Leopold Ritthausen ( born January 13, 1826 in Armenruh in Goldberg ( Silesia), † October 16, 1912 in Berlin) was a German agricultural chemist.

Ritthausen studied after visiting the free Herrlich of Fletcherschen teachers' college chemistry at the University of Leipzig, obtaining his doctorate in 1853, and worked at the Agricultural Experimental Station Möckern 1854-1856. From 1858 to 1868 he was professor of agricultural chemistry at the Agricultural Academy Waldau near Königsberg and then for five years at the Agricultural Academy in Bonn Poppelsdorf. From 1873 to 1899 he taught as a professor of agricultural chemistry at the University of Königsberg. His scientific interest was mainly the protein research. Most of the results of his experiments, he published in the "Report of the German Chemical Society." In 1866, he identified the glutamate.

Main work

The protein bodies of cereals, legumes and oil seeds. Contributions to the physiology of seeds of cultivated plants, food and feed. Bonn 1872.
