Karl Otto Ludwig von Arnim

Karl Otto Ludwig von Arnim ( born August 1, 1779 in Berlin, † February 9, 1861 ) was a German writer.


He studied in Halle and Göttingen law. After completing his studies, he made ​​numerous trips through Europe, before he entered the Prussian diplomatic service. After that he lived some time in Stockholm as Gesandtschaftsattache the Prussian Legation. Early on, he had discovered his musical interests. Back in Berlin, he headed an interim basis a few times a royal spectacle and made, retired from the diplomatic service since 1835 on the road again, this time through southern Europe. These trips he described in the six -volume fugitives observations of a volatile travelers who have been released from 1837-50 and saw several editions. Even before this had written and also worked for the stage. So he gave in Berlin in 1821, a comedy in five acts, a new means to pay old debts (after Kassinger ) and wrote the comedy in four acts The emerald ring, which in Berlin under the name C. Marinof on April 10, 1828 premiere experienced.

Karl Otto Ludwig von Arnim was the older brother of the writer Achim von Arnim.
