Kathleen Hughes

Kathleen Hughes ( born November 14, 1928 in Hollywood, Los Angeles as Elizabeth Margaret von Gerkan ) is an American actress.


Kathleen Hughes was born as Margaret Elizabeth von Gerkan. She is the niece of screenwriter F. Hugh Herbert (1897-1958) and cousin of actress Diana Herbert. In 1948 she was discovered at a small local theater. You signed a seven year contract with 20th Century Fox and turned 14 films for Fox. During this time she also shot five films for Universal Studios, including the sci-fi film Came from Outer Space ( 1953).

Overall, she was seen in more than 50 productions to date last time in 1998 in a small role in the film Welcome to Hollywood.

Since July 25, 1954 Hughes is married to the film producer Stanley Rubin. Together they have four children together.

Filmography (selection)


