Kazimierz Gołojuch

Kazimierz Gołojuch Edward ( born February 5, 1964 in Łańcut ) is a Polish politician, a local politician and since 2005 member of the Sejm in the V. and VI. Election period.

He finished his studies in agricultural mechanization at the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Energetics of Agricultural Academy in Krakow. From 1998 to 2002 he was County Council of powiat Łańcucki, between 1998 and 2005 he was wójt ( Vogt ) in the municipality Czarna.

In the 2005 parliamentary elections, he was for the electoral district of Rzeszów 23 on the list of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość ( Law and Justice - PiS) elected with 8,245 votes in the Sejm. At the 2007 elections, he was again for the PiS Sejm deputy, this time with 12,781 votes.

Since 2006 he heads the association of Catholic families in the Diocese of Rzeszów. He is married.
