Ken Slater

Ken Slater ( * 1917, † 16th or 17th February 2008) was a British science fiction fan and bookseller.

He became known as the founder of Operation Fantast, a book exchange organization, which he founded in 1947. In 1950 it had about 800 members. The aim of Operation Fantast to establish contacts between various science - fiction fans and to exchange books, or to import from the USA to Europe, since it was difficult after the Second World War in Europe, on science fiction literature was to come. Slater was such short notice for the major importer of American science fiction booklets and books in the UK.

After Operation Fantast disbanded in the early 1950s, Slater founded the company Fantast ( Medway ), with whom he continued dealing in science fiction. He also founded the Science Fantasy Society, however, only existed from 1948 to 1951. Slater was then co-founded the British Science Fiction Association in 1958.

Ken Slater was the guest of honor Eastercon of 1959 and the Worldcon in 1987, this time with his wife Joyce.

Between 1953 and 1959 he was a regular book reviews in the journal Science Fiction Nebula.
