Kenya African Democratic Union

The Kenya African Democratic Union ( abbreviation KADU, German Kenya African Democratic Union) was a political party in Kenya.

It was founded in 1960 as an alternative to Jomo Kenyatta's Kenya African National Union (KANU ). Party leader was Ronald Ngala. KADUS goal was to defend the interests of the so-called KAMATUSA ( an acronym for the ethnic groups of the Kalenjin, Maasai, Turkana and Samburu ), against the dominance of members of the ethnic groups of the Luo and Kikuyu who constituted the majority of canoes membership.

The KADU lost the parliamentary elections in Kenya 1963. 1964 broke up the party to the former KANU on competition. Daniel arap Moi, the former president of Kenya, who ruled the country for 24 years, had been chairman of KANU.
