
Kepler -7 is a star from the late F or early G- type, which is accompanied by an exoplanet, called Kepler -7b. The star seems to be near the end of its life on the main sequence; at a mass of about 1.3 solar masses to its radius has expanded to 1.8 solar radii.


The exoplanet Kepler -7b was discovered using the Kepler space telescope, NASA and has an orbital period of 4.886 days. The discovery was announced by the head of the program, William Borucki on 4 January 2010 at the annual meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Washington. A special feature of the exoplanet is its unusually low density of 0.17 grams per cubic centimeter (compared to Earth has with 5.515 g / cc more than 30 times higher density, the exoplanet has at a mass of about 0.4 Jupiter masses has a radius of about 1.5 Jupiter radii ).
