
Handschar (Arabic خنجر Chandschar, DMG ḫanǧar, also Khanjar ) denotes a traditional Arabian curved dagger / scimitar (depending on length ). The blades are almost exclusively hand-forged, double-edged and are in the Sultanate of Oman integral part of the costume of the men; so earlier was not an adult Omani without Handschar out of the house. Nowadays these daggers are sometimes worn in public and always at traditional festivals or family events together with the turban, and often with a stick (Arabic عصا ). Remarkable are the curved almost at a 90 ° angle sheaths the dagger itself is, however, much less curved than the vagina, it would make one believe and often has no guard / hand protection.

The emblem of Oman and on whose flag a Handschar is shown.

The Handschar is also called Kandschar, side shares or Khanjar Khkhanjar. Erroneously, the term is also used for the single-edge Jatagan.
