Killip class

The Killip classification is used for risk assessment in patients with acute myocardial infarction. People with a low Killip class, have a lower risk of dying in the next 30 days.

  • Killip Class I - no signs of heart failure.
  • Killip class II - fine bubble rales of the lung, 3rd heart sound or Jugularvenenstauung.
  • Killip class III - pulmonary edema
  • Killip class IV - Cardiogenic shock or severe hypotension (blood pressure less than 90 mmHg) and signs of peripheral vasoconstriction ( oliguria, cyanosis).

The study

The classification was developed from a retrospective analysis of 250 patients in a coronary care unit of a university hospital in the United States. It has not been validated in an independent cohort of patients.

The following results were found:

The Killip classification has since then played an important role for risk stratification in cardiac studies.
