King Lot

Lot of Orkney, and Loth, is a legendary figure in the Arthurian romances, it is particularly as a father Gawain, the knight of the Round Table, called.

Early stories

The Lot's family is prepared differently in the traditions. Lot is referred to in the stories alternate as king of the Orkneys, of Lothian and of Norway. It is either the husband of Morgause, a half maternal sister of Arthur or of Anna, the sister of Arthur. His sons are Gawain, Gareth, Gaheris and Agravain, another son, Gwalchavad, is mentioned only in a modern Gralszyklus by Stephen Lawhead. Lots foster son should be Mordred, son of Arthur and Morgause, who is adopted and raised by Lot. In another version, Mordred is the son of Lot and his wife Morgause.

Geoffrey of Monmouth Historia Regum Britanniae called in ( "History of the British Kings" ) Loth king of Lothian, Arthur's brother and comrade. The name Loth and Lothian it leads back to the Latin form Lodonesia, which corresponded to the then usual names approximation of rulers and dominion. Loth is already known as a faithful follower of Arthur's father Uther Pendragon. Here Anna is the wife of Lot and mother of Gawain and Mordred. As a nephew of the King of Norway Sichelm he conquered after his death this land for their inheritance against the usurper riculf.

Matière de bretagne

In the novels of Matière de Bretagne solder is usually mentioned only as the father of Gawain, as in Chrétien de Troyes. In the Vulgate and Post- Vulgate Cycle, Thomas Malory's work, for example, in Le Morte d'Arthur he has with Morgause the five sons Gawain, Agravain, Gaheris, Gareth and Mordred, as his natural father is also called Arthur. First, Arthur's enemies, later his ally, helping him against the Saxons in Britain.
