Kinjikitile Ngwale

Kinjikitile Ngwale (* in the 19th century; † July 16, 1905 or August 4th or August 5, 1905 in Mohoro ) grew in 1904 with his Maji Maji cult in the German East African colony, present-day Tanzania, the basis for the later Maji Maji rebellion against German colonial rule.


Ngwale occurred around 1902 in Ngarambe on the western slopes of Umatumbi the first time a so-called healers in appearance, the " lilingu magic power " possessed the. He had earned his living by farming, he had several wives and many children.

1904 is a spirit have taken possession of him: "He fell on his stomach, arms stretched out of herself, and began to crawl ," it says. He had crawled into a nearby pond and have it spent the night. After he got out the next day with dry clothes the pond, he is said to have held political speeches.

He was henceforth regarded as possessed by the spirit Hongo and was regarded as a leader and prophet. One day Ngwale prophesied to his followers that a war was imminent and the ancestors would assist them.

He was in possession of a Maji -Maji medicine; a miracle water which could make the weapons of the German harmless and weaken their soldiers.

Ngwale was arrested shortly after the outbreak of the uprising of the German colonial force on 16 July 1905 and hanged on 16 July, 4 or August 5, 1905.

The person Kinjikitile Ngwale is mentioned in the context of the play Kinjeketile of Ebrahim Hussein and within the framework of the detective novel maji maji - Rainer Beuthel.
