Klas Pontus Arnoldson

Klas Pontus Arnoldson ( born October 27, 1844 in Gothenburg, † February 20, 1916 in Stockholm) was a Swedish journalist, politician and Nobel Peace Prize.


As the son of a janitor in Gothenburg born Arnoldson came from rather humble circumstances. After the death of his father in 1861 he was forced to quit school and start training. Until 1871 he worked as a clerk for a railroad company, then until 1881 as a station.

During this time he continued his studies autodidact. He was concerned with history, religion and philosophy, watching the current political events. His ideas about religion, politics and pacifism, he published in various newspapers and magazines ( Nordiska Dagbladet, Sanningssökaren ), but also in books and political pamphlets.

After his election to the Swedish Parliament in 1882, where he remained until 1887, he campaigned for an expanded voting rights, freedom of religion, disarmament and the political neutrality of Sweden.

In 1883 he was co-founder and first chairman of Svenska freds -och skiljedomsföreningen ("Swedish Peace and Arbitration Association"), which was established in response to upgrade plans of the Swedish Government. In 1890 he helped through speeches at meetings in Sweden and Norway a negotiated solution to the conflict between the two united in a Union of States to prepare. The amicable dissolution of the Union in 1905 and the subsequent independence of Norway managed to find a peaceful solution to the conflict.

In 1908, together with Fredrik Bajer Arnoldson received the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to the peaceful resolution of the conflict between Sweden and Norway.


  • Aer världsfred möjlig: En historisk framställning af sträfvandena promote lay och rätt mellan Folken. Fröléen, Stockholm 1890.
  • Pax Mundi, in Norwegian ( Lov - ikke krig, 1890), English ( Pax Mundi, 1891) and German ( Pax Mundi, 1896, with preface by Bertha von Suttner )
  • Seklernas hopp: En bok om världfreden. Wilhelmsson, Stockholm in 1900, also in English, French, Norwegian and German