Konrad Grob

Konrad Grob ( born September 3, 1828 in Veltheim at Winterthur; † January 9, 1904 in Munich) was a Swiss painter and lithographer.


At the age of 14 years went Konrad Grob, son of a farmer, in 1842 the lithographer Schönfeld in Winterthur in teaching. After the formation of coarse worked as a lithographer, first in St. Gallen, then in Verona and then in Naples, where he remained for more than ten years. Then he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, where he was inducted into the class of Arthur von Ramberg 1870 and opened his own studio. Grob had been mostly painted historical subjects, and now he was encouraged by Ramberg especially in genre painting.

Coarse produced in rapid succession as many that immediately found buyers, and made his name known in Switzerland. Attempts to enter back into history painting foot were unsuccessful; his picture of the battle of Sempach fell in 1878 at the Paris World Exhibition by. Since his application for the painting of Tell's chapel was unsuccessful, he turned to genre painting.

Konrad Grob died at the age of 76 years from the effects of pneumonia.

Works (selection)

The painter on the study tour

Pestalozzi and the orphans in Stans
