Kozlov's shrew

Sorex kozlovi is a cryptic shrew of the genus Rotzahnspitzmäuse ( Sorex ). She is known only by detection of the fauna of the river Sequ and the Mekong from Tibet, further information on the nature does not exist. Several authors of the species status is in doubt and it is the species S. thibetanus assigned as a subspecies, including in the reference work A Guide to the Mammals of China, edited by Andrew T. Smith and Yan Xie, 2008.

Sorex Sorex thibetanus kozlovi kozlovi or equivalent in their characteristics and the way of life of S. thibetanus. The only known evidence comes from a collection at the headwaters of the river Sequ in Tibet, which flows into the Mekong.

Sorex kozlovi was classified as a separate species within the genus of Rotzahnspitzmäuse ( Sorex ), which consists of about 80 species. The first scientific description comes from Stroganov in 1952, who described it from Tibet. The species was assigned by many authors as a subspecies of the species S. thibetanus. Within the type no further sub- types in addition to the nominate Sorex kozlovi kozlovi be distinguished.

From the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources ( IUCN) Sorex kozlovi is not classified due to missing data and is listed as " data deficient ".
