
Kronum is a ball game from the USA, which was developed by 2008. Kronum was invented in the USA by Bill Gibson, and is a mix of various team sports. Especially techniques from football, handball and basketball are required here.

Currently, there are only in the birthplace of the sport, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a professional league, which in the rest of the United States there are amateur leagues.


Kronum is played in two teams of 10 players. Four of them are goalkeepers during the defensive phase. During the offensive phase they are like their fellow players fielder.

The game lasts 60 minutes, divided into three thirds. The aim of the game is to score more points than the opponent. The number of points differs from it, where the successful shot / throw etc to be released ( as in basketball ). The Kronum gates have top five rings, which have a diameter of 50 centimeters. If a player hits one of the rings, the number of points doubled. The playing field is circular with a ring in the middle. There are also four gates (so-called Chamber ).

The outermost zone is the cross zone. When you meet from here, you get 4 points, you meet through the ring, you can even see 8 points. The next zone is the Flex Zone. When you meet from there, you get 3 points (6 by one of the rings). In the second closest target zone ( Wedge Zone) may be, contrary to the rest of the field, not play the ball with his hand. When you meet from the wedge zone, you get 2 points (4 by ring). In the gate next zone ( Goal Zone), you get a hit scored a point (2 by ring ).

Both teams play alternately defensive and offensive phases. The opening game after agreement point is done by throwing the ball back into the ring.
