Kumamoto Domain

Kumamoto (熊 本 藩jap, -han ), also Higo (肥 后 藩, -han ) called, was a Han ( fief ) in Japan in the Edo period, which existed from 1587 to 1871.

It was located in the province of Higo and included large parts of today's Kumamoto Prefecture, with the exception of the districts Kuma and Amakusa. Administrative headquarters was the Kumamoto Castle in Kumamoto today. The income of the Han was assessed at 520,000 koku, and later with 540,000 koku.

List of daimyo

  • Katō ( tozama - daimyo, 520,000 koku ), 1587-1632
  • Hosokawa ( tozama - daimyo, 540,000 koku ), 1632-1871
  • Han
  • Kumamoto Prefecture