
51.2847222222227.8177777777778300Koordinaten: 51 ° 17 ' 5 " N, 7 ° 49 ' 4" O

Küntrop is with about 1500 inhabitants, in addition to the capital of the largest district of the city Neuenrade.


The place is located in the Sauerland about two kilometers east of the town Neuenrade in the Mark Brandenburg circle. The height of the village lies at about 285 m above sea level. NHN in the valley of the still young Hönne and rises to 499 m at the Küntroper mountain.


A first mention of the village dates from a document of the Cologne archbishop Anno II from 1068.

Küntrop was a separate municipality in the Balve until it was incorporated at the municipal reform under the provisions of the law on the restructuring of the district Altena and the independent city Lüdenscheid on 1 January 1969 in the city Neuenrade.


Worth seeing is the landmarked Catholic Church of St. George.


Through the village runs the federal highway 229 highway access points are located at Lüdenscheid to the A 45 and in Iserlohn, Neheim- Hüsten and Arnsberg to the A 46

North of the local situation, there is a stop on the railway Hönnetal. The Werdohl train station is just a few kilometers west of the RE route Ruhr-Sieg and Hagen Central Station is the nearest station with transport links including to the ICE network.

In the immediate vicinity is the special airfield Werdohl - Küntrop.
