Kurt Rosenkranz

Kurt Rosenkranz ( born August 2, 1927 in Vienna) is an Austrian adult educators.


Rosary grew up in Vienna's Brigittenau. His Jewish parents and grandparents had immigrated from Eastern Europe. At 9 years old he became a chorister in the house of prayer in the Kaschlgasse.

In the wake of the "Anschluss " with Hitler's Germany in 1938, learned Rosary excesses and humiliations he had to leave his school, and was transferred to a collecting school for Jews in the Währinger Straße 43. The family fled to Riga. Since there German troops caught up with the family, the family rosary was transferred to Soviet prison camp and later interned first in Novosibirsk in Russia, in Karaganda in Kazakhstan.

In 1946, Rosary returned to Vienna and worked with his father in his small shoe factory.

In 1989 he founded the Jewish Institute for Adult Education.

For his services to him the title of professor and in 2010 the Gold Medal of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Austria was awarded.

His brother Herbert Rosenkranz was a historian at Yad Vashem.


  • With David Zelinger (ed.): obligation of a survivor - speeches and reports. Bohmann, Wien 1993.