
KV53 Tomb of Unknown

KV53 (Kings ' Valley no. 53 ) is the ancient Egyptian grave with the number 53 in the Valley of the Kings. The grave owner is unknown. An exact dating is not possible, but it was used at the time of the New Kingdom.

Discovery and excavation

The discovery and excavation was carried out 1905-1906 by Edward R. Ayrton for Theodore M. Davis. A proper plan was never made ​​. Were published the results among other things in 1908 by Davis in The Tomb of Siptah the Monkey Tomb, and the Gold Tomb (p. 18-19 ) and in 1984 with information on the findings of Nicholas Reeves in MDAIK 40 (p. 232-233 ).

Architecture and finds

In the grave is a grave shaft, which consists of a undecorated chamber. KV53 has been robbed in antiquity and is no longer accessible and filled with rubble.

Ayrton found in KV53, a number of Kalksteinostraka and a limestone Tele. The stele could be assigned to the top scribe Hori from Deir el -Medina because of the inscriptions, which had consecrated them to the snake goddess Meretseger. Similar ostraca were found installed in a working-class cabin of the 20th Dynasty.
