Kym Barrett

Kym Barrett (born 20 century in Australia) is an Australian costume designer who was nominated frequently for the Saturn Award.

Life and career

Kym Barrett began her career as a costume designer in the theater in Australia. After eight years, she joined the film industry and moved to the United States. At first she worked in the advertising field. Her film debut she finally gave in 1996 in the film William Shakespeare's Romeo Juliet. After Barrett was at Zero Effect, Three Kings - It's good to be king, Titan AE, Red Planet and 2001 in From Hell active. 2003 Barrett designed in the horror thriller Gothika and 2005 in the comedy The Schwiegermonster the costumes. In 2006, she worked for the film Eragon - The legacy of the Dragon Riders and two years later in The Children of the Silk Road. Recently she appeared in 2011 in The Green Hornet and 2012 in The Amazing Spider -Man.

It is also repeatedly used by the Wachowski siblings, as in the Matrix movies, Speed ​​Racer and Cloud Atlas.

They also created the costumes of Cirque du Soleil.



  • 2008: Nominated for The Children of Huang Shi
  • 2013: nominated for Cloud Atlas
  • 2000: nominated for matrix
  • 2007: nominated for Eragon - The legacy of the Dragon Riders
  • 2013: nominated for Cloud Atlas
  • 2013: Award for Cloud Atlas
  • 2002: Nomination for From Hell
  • 2012: nominated for Cloud Atlas