La Chorrera, Panama

8.8792 - 79.7822Koordinaten: 8 ° 53 'N, 79 ° 47 ' W

La Chorrera is a town in the Central American Republic of Panama. It is located about 30 km west of Panama City in the province of Panama.

La Chorrera has about 63,000 inhabitants. The landmark La Chorreras is " El Chorro ", the waterfall, which is about 7 meters high and 15 meters wide. Within La Chorreras there are many more, but smaller waterfalls to see why the name " Chorrera " (un chorro = a waterfall ) was born. The center Chorreras is the " Parque Feuillet ," the hub of the entire public transport of the city. From here can be the minute buses in the capital, but also to the directly adjacent Panamericana take, from where you can take a bus to the other side of the country, the city Davíd.

  • Place in Panama
  • Panamá Province