
Labid ibn Rabī ʿ a Abū ʿ Aqil al - ʿ Amiri (Arabic: لبيد بن ربيعة بن مالك أبو عقيل العامري, short Labid or Labid ibn Rabī ʿ a, * 560; † around 661 in Kufa ) was a poet from the Bedouin tribe of Dascha ʿ far. This was one of the Banū ʿ Aamir b. Sa ʿ sa ʿ a, which in turn were a subgroup of the tribe of Hawazin. The Dascha ʿ far lived in the western part of Najd.

According to tradition, Labid should have been held as a young man by a written in radschāz - verse satire Prince Nu ʿ mān II in al- Hira of his tribe to escape the favor.

In the year 630 Labid to be converted to Islam after he had met the Prophet Muhammad in Medina. According to Brockelmann, some of his poems on Islamic influences, so he assumes that Labid has still written after his conversion.

The surviving works Labīds are summarized especially in his Dīwān. One of his Qasidas was also included in the Mu ʿ allaqāt, a collection of highly respected ancient Arab poetry.
