Laguna Madre (United States)

26.540657 - 97.379459Koordinaten: 26 ° 32 ' 26 " N, 97 ° 22 ' 46 " W

The Laguna Madre is a long, shallow bay along the western coast of the Gulf of Mexico in the United States and Mexico. The bay is 209 km long and is translated from the Spanish mother lagoon. The Gulf Intracoastal Waterway runs through the whole bay.


In the U.S., the bay is bordered to the west by Texas and east to the island of Padre Iceland. It stretches from Corpus Christi in the north to Port Isabel in the south. In Mexico, the bay on the west by Tamaulipas to the east by several sandbanks. The Laguna Madre is a very shallow bay with a maximum depth of 0.9 meters.


The Laguna Madre is one of the most important habitats on the American coast. Many different fish, migratory birds, sea turtles and even wild cats live here. In April 2005, the Mexican government declared the bay and the mouth of the Rio Grande to the Natural Protected Area, which occupies an area of 5700 km ².

  • Bay (Gulf of Mexico)
  • Bay in North America
  • Bay in the United States
  • Bay in Mexico
  • Geography (Texas )